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Web Hosting

What is Z.com Web Hosting ?

Web hosting is a service that allows customers to build up their own website & mail server on the same instance easily. Our WebHosting service is hosted on servers built on our own cloud platform which is based on Openstack technology with high system availability. All of our WebHosting servers are setup with cPanel which is the most-used website management platform. Our customers can purchase the cPanel service based on the actual capacity that the website needs such as no. of domain name, disk storage size, no. of database etc, without the hassle of owning own server which requires specific IT skill to configure and manage on the OS layer.

With the capability to install any kind of CMS (Contents Management System) such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, Magento, OpenCart etc, our customers can build up various type of websites such as personal blog, corporate website or even online shop, with minimal effort.